Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Snow and Ice Activities

The weather around here is still very cold....and still no sign on snow or ice so today, I decided we should do some activities in a snow/ice unit I found over at 2 Teaching Mommies. We read some books and then got to it with the activities. We also made snowflakes made out of marshmallows, paper, and wagon wheel pasta. The marshmallow snowflakes didn't last long though. As soon as it was complete Alex ate all of them off! Next, she practiced writing the letter I on my iPad and on a dry erase board. 

We have done these activities before where she needs to pick out the picture that is different. I was getting some other things ready and Alex just picked up a crayon and went at it and picked out the different snowflakes in a flash. 

Next some pre-writing practice with tracing

And a do-a-dot paper 

I read some books about snow...being a teacher I have tons of books down in our basement. I'm glad that I am able to get some use out of them! 

That used to be a marshmallow snowflake. Now it's just a bunch of toothpicks.

And we had some leftover colored wagon wheel pasta from another project so I thought it would be good to make a snowflake out of them.


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