For a while I've had bits and pieces of Little Bug's crayons and so I decided to make them into crayons. I've seen this done on Pinterest many times using cute molds and maybe I'll try that another time but this time I just used a silicone muffin tin with a paper liner. Just pop the crayon bits into the muffin tin, bake at 350 degrees for 10-15 minutes, cool, and then pop them out. So easy and colorful!
We also made some finger paints and I got the recipe from a blog called Easy Peasie. Too bad Little Bug has issues with having her hands being dirty! As she was painting she hardly wanted to touch the paint, wanted her hands washed each time after she did touch the paint, and asked for a brush because she didn't want to touch it. I guess the texture was just weird for her. It was very squishy and clumpy and you did have to press it down to paint with it. Oh well, she had fun even though she kept saying "ewwwwwwwww gross" as she painted!
10 years ago
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